The Bird island

admin Bassin d'Arcachon Leave a Comment

Discover The bird island in Arcachon bay is the most eye-catching place that visible from the bay. The island seems a bit magical. Boating around the bird island A marvellous boat tour can be experienced in the Arcachon bay around the bird island. The boat tries to approach the area on the bay as much as possible according to the …

The Rochelle and island of Re

admin La Rochelle and Re island

Discover La Rochelle port, towers, old town and Fort Boyard. Island of re is being variously called as Rhe, Rhéa and more popularly known as the Isle of Rhé. It is an island off the west coast of France near the Rochelle, on the northern side of the Pertuis of Antioch strait. The island’s highest point has an elevation of …