Diving Hortense

Scuba and Snorkeling

admin Bassin d'Arcachon

Discover Scuba and Snorkeling experience. Arcachon bay is the bay of Atlantic Ocean on the southwest coast of France. The main diving area for Bordeaux divers is the Arcachon bay. It is a lagoon of 250 square km. The Arcachon Bay is the biggest sand dune in Europe. Dive sites in Arcachon bay The two main dive sites are Hortense …

Oyster house Gujan

Oyster House – Gujan-Mestras

admin Bassin d'Arcachon

Discover Paradise oysters ! Bassin d' Arcachon, France Oyster House located in Gujan-Mestras of Arcachon Bay. They have wild oysters that has been collected and consumed. Oyster House was created ten years past by the oyster producers to point out everybody. However works their business and promote the Arcachon bay that is the initial oyster production centre in Europe. Oyster …